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What are goals and values

Posted By ,
03/12/2020 16:00 PM
Goals and Values Many of us are familiar with the concept of goals – working towards a desired outcome in the short, medium or long term. For example, “I want to save this much money by Christmas”, or “I want to run a marathon one day”. Goals are important for motivation and discipline... however, there are some downsides. When we don’t achieve our goals, we can feel deflated and bad about ourselves. Our so-called “failures” can become fuel for beating ourselves up. Goals can also be based on...

What is anxiety?

Posted By Elizabeth Pincott,
10/08/2020 09:50 AM
Anxiety is a common presentation for us at Breakfree Psychology Services and let's be honest, it’s not too surprising given the time we are living in. With the impact of COVID, there is the pressure for both parents to work and raise children at the same time and of course the pressures we put on ourselves to achieve or have comfortable things in our life, such as a bigger house or a new car. It’s not just individuals who present to a psychologist for counselling as a result of wanting to...

What do couples say about marathon therapy?

Posted By Elizabeth Pincott,
31/07/2020 12:00 PM
Breakfree Psychology Services provide specialist couples counselling, including an intensive form of couples counselling called marathon therapy.  People often phone us and ask about marathon therapy and whether or not it is effective, or more effective than standard couples therapy. So, I thought I would provide a list of some of the comments we have received from our marathon therapy sessions so future couples would know what is being said by the couples who have done a marathon session. ...