These are the top 5 common problems in couples therapy
Posted By Elizabeth Pincott,
29/12/2022 12:00 PM
A marriage is a lifelong partnership that can make your life a lot more enjoyable. However, every couple will have their challenges at points, some that seem insurmountable. This is where couples therapy can be of great benefit. It can help those lifelong partners to work through challenges in their relationship so that they can continue to love and be devoted to one another. What many couples do not realize is that their problems are quite common. Many believe that they have unique problems...
How Online Therapy Has Benefited Thousands of Australians over the Last Three Years
Posted By Elizabeth Pincott,
25/10/2022 09:00 AM
There is no denying that the last few years have been exceedingly difficult for millions of Australians. The stress of the pandemic, lockdowns, and economic woes have had a dramatic impact on the lives of most within the country. This has led to anxiety, depression, physical ailments, and arise in emotional instability. These types of physical, emotional, and mental conditions can lead to a multitude of problems. These start with an increase in drug and alcohol use, as well as other addictive...
How Positive Behaviour Support Plans Can Help People of All Ages?
Posted By ,
30/09/2022 14:00 PM
When facing challenging life situations, it’s common for individuals of all ages to experience emotions like anxiety, sadness, and frustration. And when you are unable to cope with negative emotions, there is a need for intervention using approaches that can allow an individual to learn to deal with difficult life situations. The intervention approach can allow distressed individuals to develop new and improved intellect and mindset that helps people with difficulty cope with their emotions...
Autism Therapy Should Start as Soon as Your Child is Diagnosed
Posted By Elizabeth Pincott,
01/08/2022 12:00 PM
Autism is a developmental disability which starts to present itself in children as young as 12 to 18 months. Children who have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) have difficulty communicating, interacting, and socializing, among other problems like difficulty understanding and following instructions. Autism is a life-long disability, but it shouldn’t be treated like one. With early intervention and treatment, autism can be really controlled. Autistic children who are diagnosed early and receive...
How to Manage a Situational Crisis
Posted By ,
27/07/2022 16:20 PM
When things go against us in life, it can be easy to see this as an insurmountable problem that cannot be overcome. Unfortunately, this is a reality that we all experience at one point or another. Whether it is a career setback, the loss of a loved one, or a large change in your circumstances, it can be easy to let a situational crisis overwhelm you. When faced with something like this, there are several ways we can manage and take action to see our way out of crisis mode. Look at Your Thought...
Seeing a Male Psychologist
Posted By ,
05/07/2022 15:24 PM
Are you thinking about seeing a psychologist for your anxiety, depression, relationships or other issues? Perhaps you have been engaged with a psychologist for a while and you’re looking for a fresh start? Selecting a therapist of another gender may be the change you’re looking for. While a great deal of therapy options today are completed with a female, there are many positive reasons to engage with a male clinician. A Different Perspective Each psychotherapist has their own skills and life...
Townsville Bulletin - Our Expanding Practice
Posted By Elizabeth Pincott,
02/06/2022 13:00 PM
Negative Thought Patterns: Critical-Self
Posted By ,
02/06/2022 12:00 PM
Negative Thought Patterns: Critical-Self Do you find that you put yourself down? Criticize yourself? Or perhaps you blame yourself for situations or events that aren’t (totally) your fault? If this sounds familiar at all, you may be engaging in “critical-self”, a negative thought pattern or cognitive distortion that often feels like an internal bully. This voice communicates a pattern of destructive thoughts towards ourselves, and is often at the root of our self-destructive or maladaptive...
Negative Thought Patterns: Black and White Thinking
Posted By ,
10/05/2022 16:00 PM
Do you ever find yourself thinking in absolutes? This thought pattern can go in several directions, you may think that you’re always right, a huge failure or that you only receive bad luck. This way of thinking is a cognitive distortion, not allowing us to see life and its many events for what they are, which is complex. How Black and White Thinking Can Impact Us Having this ‘all-or-nothing’ mindset can seriously limit our ability to correctly discern situations and resolve conflict....
Personal Boundaries
Posted By ,
10/05/2022 14:00 PM
Personal boundaries are the limits or rules we set for ourselves within relationships. People create boundaries to identify for themselves what are reasonable, safe, and permissible ways for others to behave around them and how they will respond if someone steps outside of these. A person with healthy boundaries can say ‘no’ to others when they want to, but they are also comfortable opening themselves up to having close relationships. The easiest way to think about a boundary is a property line...