Understanding Mental Health: Insights from a Psychologist's Perspective
Posted By Elizabeth Pincott,
24/01/2024 10:40 AM
Let me break it down a little more. Mental health is defined as the aspect of overall health that includes emotional well-being, the ability to live a full and creative life, and the flexibility to deal with life’s inevitable challenges. So, why should we all care about mental health? Let me remind you all again, that mental health is separate from a mental health disorder. When I refer to mental health throughout this article, I do not mean disorders such as anxiety, depression, or bipolar....
Posted By ,
10/01/2024 17:00 PM
SILENCING THE “MONKEY CHATTER” Remember the “monkey chatter” in our mind? The inner critic that often plays a significant role in our life. Getting curious about and recognising which inner critic, the perfectionist, the guilt-tripper, or taskmaster to name a few, lives inside your mind was the first step in silencing the “monkey chatter”. So, what do we do now? Well, I’m glad you asked! WE TAKE NOTICE Taking notice of when you are being self-critical is fundamental....