We often have couples making enquires about couples therapy, asking varied questions and at times with some ambivalence about whether therapy will work for their relationship. It is expected that there would be some apprehension regarding whether or not therapy could work for a couple who have struggled for many years with the same problems, never feeling as though there is any progress. The Gottman institute has researched how long couples take to book couples therapy, once they realise t...
Marathon Couples Counselling: A Deep Dive into Intensive Therapy for Relationships
Posted By Elizabeth Pincott,
05/09/2024 10:00 AM
It can be hard to carve out space for personal relationships in our fast-paced world. Yet, when couples run into serious difficulties, the old standbys of weekly counselling sessions and time apart may not be enough. Remedies like these tend to act more on the surface of problems than on their deeper, often hidden, roots. So, let's now consider an alternative that may be unfamiliar to some and that certainly is not as well endorsed as traditional couples counselling. It's called "marathon...
These are the top 5 common problems in couples therapy
Posted By Elizabeth Pincott,
29/12/2022 12:00 PM
A marriage is a lifelong partnership that can make your life a lot more enjoyable. However, every couple will have their challenges at points, some that seem insurmountable. This is where couples therapy can be of great benefit. It can help those lifelong partners to work through challenges in their relationship so that they can continue to love and be devoted to one another. What many couples do not realize is that their problems are quite common. Many believe that they have unique problems...
The Gottman Method of Couples Counselling
Posted By ,
26/04/2022 10:00 AM
The Gottman Method is a couples counselling strategy that incorporates a comprehensive examination of the couple's relationship as well as evidence-based therapies. The goals of the therapy are to increase empathy and understanding, remove barriers that cause stagnation, promote affection, respect, and intimacy, and disarm antagonistic verbal communication within the framework of the partnership. What is the Gottman Method, and How Does it Work? The Gottman Method was designed by Dr....
Couple Therapy Sessions Can Save Relationships
Posted By ,
24/01/2022 10:00 AM
Every relationship requires hard work and has its unique challenges. After all, two individuals are coming together from perhaps completely different walks of life, so it’s probably not going to be as easy as a walk in the park. Relationships not only require physical closeness and intimacy; they also demand emotional and psychological support. Therefore, keeping the spark alive and well-lit in a romantic relationship requires skills and tactics that work together to strike a delicate balance....
How effective is marathon couples counselling?
Posted By ,
21/01/2022 14:00 PM
At Breakfree Psychology Services we are experts in couples counseling, using the GottmanMethod. This is a well-researched approach developed through years of practice and research conducted by the Gottman Institute, into what makes a relationship work and what are the masters of relationships doing differently to the disasters of relationships. The benefit of this approach is that you’re not hearing your therapists opinion on what she thinks is important in a relationship, or what works for...
What do couples say about marathon therapy?
Posted By Elizabeth Pincott,
31/07/2020 12:00 PM
Breakfree Psychology Services provide specialist couples counselling, including an intensive form of couples counselling called marathon therapy. People often phone us and ask about marathon therapy and whether or not it is effective, or more effective than standard couples therapy. So, I thought I would provide a list of some of the comments we have received from our marathon therapy sessions so future couples would know what is being said by the couples who have done a marathon session. ...
How to manage conflict in your relationship
Posted By Elizabeth Pincott,
30/04/2019 12:00 PM
Half of all marriages that end do so in the first 7 years. (Gottman, J.M. 1994) The Gottman’s have spent the last 40 years researching what makes a relationship successful and what creates problems and eventually leads to divorce. Conflict in a relationship is a sure way to move your relationship closer towards divorce, especially when conflict is not managed well. Skills to effectively manage conflict include; - Knowing how to actively listen and validate your partners position - Being able to...
What is couples therapy?
Posted By Elizabeth Pincott,
09/04/2019 09:00 AM
What is couples therapy? Couples therapy is an opportunity to work on parts of your relationship that are not working well for you, and these parts are often experienced as areas of conflict, negativity or dissatisfaction within your relationship. Couples typically attend couples therapy to work on the following issues; Conflict Poor Communication Affairs Lack of trust Poor commitment Lack of intimacy Negative feelings towards your partner Couples therapy is an opportunity to...