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WISC-V Testing Townsville

Posted By Elizabeth Pincott  
18:00 PM
Breakfree Psychology Services provides psychological testing, specifically to test intellectual performance, which is a measure of how an individual uses their intelligence within their environment. Intellectual capacity cannot be absolutely identified or seen, only measured in terms of action or what is demonstrated.
The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - Fifth Edition (WISC-V), is the latest version of the most trusted cognitive ability measure available. It is the gold standard when it comes to measuring intellectual performance or function, and does so using a multidimensional approach. 

The test measures several types of cognitive function as intelligence is viewed as multi faceted, in the sense that there are different types of intelligence. 

In total the WAIS-IV has 7 tests, combined into 5 global areas of intelligence. These are the verbal comprehension index (VCI), visual-spatial index (VSI) fluid reasoning index (FRI) working memory index (WMI), and processing speed index (PSI).

  • VCI assess your child’s ability to express their-self through words and use verbal information. 
  • VSI assesses your child’s ability to see details visually, understand the relationships between parts, and integrate visual and motor skills. 
  • FRI assess your child’s ability to see meaningful relationships between visual object. 
  • WMI assess your child’s ability to pay attention and hold information in their mind.
  • PSI assess your child’s ability to quickly scan and identify objects, use memory and hand eye coordination.

Our WISC-V testing in Townsville are suitable for for those aged between 6 and 16 years of age, and seeking information on intellectual disability, giftedness, clinician intervention needs, and specific learning difficulties to enhance your child’s ability to learn grow and prosper in the right direction. The WISC-V administered in person will provide a Full-Scale IQ score plus a score on all the index’s. 

To book a WISC-V test in Townsville, please call Breakfree Psychology Services on 0479 149 277.